*NEW* The Externals T-Shirt

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NINESIXFOUR and the Externals are stoked to release a Limited Edition T-shirt to
coincide with the release of the 'Back on the Cans' album and the Regiments 60th Diamond Anniversary.

The Externals, the world’s only original ‘Spec Ops’ rock band, are set to release their
latest album, Back On The Cans, on September 6th, 2024, at the Leopold Hotel in
Bicton, Western Australia. This will be their first show in WA in nearly a decade.
Celebrating 30 years since their debut, The Externals, much like the SAS Regiment
from which they originated, are known for their grit, mystique, and resilience.
Although they’ve kept a low profile, they’ve built a loyal following over the years.
“We’re just a bunch of mates who enjoy beer, rock music, and each other’s
company,” says co-founder Harry External. “We’ve had over 24 members, and
everyone’s always gotten along famously.”
Harry and Matt External, who co-founded the band in 1991, consider their time with
The Externals as their most cherished experience, despite having served in elite
teams and dangerous environments globally.
“Harry and I have always loved rock music, and as we met different musicians, we
invited them to join us—SAS members and civilians alike,” Matt shares. “Our music
is for anyone who loves classic Aussie indie rock, like Celibate Rifles, Cosmic
Psychos, and Midnight Oil.”
With nearly 24 combat deployments and 60 years of service between them, Harry
and Matt’s partnership is truly unique within the Australian Defence Force.
Recalling their first meeting on a ‘Resistance to Interrogation’ course in 1991, Harry
says, “That’s when the idea for the band first sparked. Since then, I’ve written the
songs and poured the beer, while Matt has managed the band.”
The Externals will be touring the album across select venues nationwide over the
next year, so dust off the sand and grab a can for some action. Joining them at The
Leopold Hotel will be Black Buzzard.